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The characteristic of the HIV-infected condemned women who have asked for a psychological assistance

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2013, pp.74-85 (Research)


Alexei V. Datiy
MD, professor of the department public health and health care I.P.Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, 525252s@mail.ru


The social and demographic characteristic of the HIV-infected condemned women are given in the article. Data on distribution of the HIV-infected condemned women on age, relationship status, education, occupation, nationality and state of health are investigated. The identity of the condemned women is closely connected with their criminal and legal characteristic. Specific properties and qualities of the women serving sentence bringing them into imprisonment places are investigated. The analysis of category of the crime committed by women, numbers of criminal records, term of the punishment appointed by court, a type of the establishment, actually served sentence of punishment and unexpired term of punishment in correctional facility is carried out. The assessment of the HIV-infected condemned women during stay in correctional facility is carried out. It showed where and in what establishment serves sentence condemned as influences on condemned as its characterized, the relation to work, study, another condemned, what its general characteristic according to administration. Social communications of the HIV-infected condemned women are studied. The materialized means of communication of HIV-infected condemned with the family, stability of personal contacts, manifestations by the family of care of the condemned are estimated. The analysis of disciplinary practice of the HIV-infected condemned women is carried out.

Key words

condemned, correctional facility, a psychological assistance, HIV infection, the social and demographic characteristic, the criminal and legal characteristic, the criminal and executive characteristic, the social help, relationship status, age, education, nationality, a state of health, term, number of criminal records, a place of serving of punishment, social communications


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