Chuvinova I. V.
PhD (Pedagogics), Assistant Professor, Chair for Medical Biology1
Belova V. V.
Senior laboratory assistant, Chair for Medical Biology1
1 - Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Belova Valeria; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Introduction. Due to the pandemic of highly detailed mycosis caused by Candida auris, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the pathogen. The active spread of the infection began after 2016 (initially, this representative of the genus Candida was discovered in 1996 in South Korea). This species is found on all continents except Antarctica, and under a number of conditions can be the cause of an opportunistic infection. The purpose of this work is to identify the factors causing the high pathogenic potential of Candida auris and to give an idea of the main measures preventing the spread of mycosis caused by this pathogen. Materials and methods. The type of research is a literature review. The search for scientific information was carried out in the following databases: scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU, PubMed (database created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) USA). The review included publications on the research topic that were published mainly over the past 4 years. The results of the study. Up-to-date information has been obtained in the field of morphology, metabolism and genetics of Candida auris. Based on it, significant differences between Candida auris and other species have been identified, increasing survival rates in adverse abiotic conditions and pathogenicity, as well as contributing to the growth of antibiotic resistance. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, Candida auris has the highest pathogenicity among all other representatives of the genus, which makes it necessary to strengthen measures preventing the spread of mycosis caused by this pathogen in medical institutions. Modern methods of laboratory diagnosis of this infection should also be introduced.
Key words
candidiasis, antibiotic resistance, pathogenicity, risk factors, preventive measures
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