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Significance of Anatomo-Structural Parameters of the Eye in the Effectiveness of Myopia Treatment with Orthokeratology Lenses

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2024, pp.85-97 (Research)


Absatarova N. A.
Postgraduate Student1
ORCID 0000-0002-3766-7517

Usenko V. A.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor1
ORCID 0000-0001-7533-7773

1 - Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after. S. B. Daniyarov, Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Corresponding Author

Absatarova Nurzida Abdykaymovna, e-mail: nurzid82@mail.ru


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


Aim of the study. To study the importance of anatomical and structural parameters of the eye in the effectiveness of treatment with orthokeratological lenses in myopia. 200 eyes (100 patients) were examined, including 160 eyes (80 patients) with myopia – 60 eyes (30 patients) with a mild degree and 100 eyes (50 patients) with an average degree; mean age 12.0± 0.38 years, control group – 40 eyes (20 people) – healthy individuals with emmetropia. Research methods. Along with the generally accepted methods, autorefractometry (Grand Seiko VR-2100), ophthalmometry (Topcon KR-7309), biometry (Zeiss IOLMaster 500), keratotopography (root otopographic system SW-600), accommodation study – AKA-01 device, and Shapovalov S.L. method, skiascopy against the background of cycloplegia, ultrasound of the eye, ultrasound of the retinal vessels, OST-angiography, study of the hydrodynamics of the eye (Glau Test 60). Follow-up in 1-3-6-12-24 Months. Results. With the formation of induced myopia against the background of the use of orthokeratological lenses in mild and moderate myopia, an increase in the difference in corneal curvature between the central and peripheral zones was revealed – the coefficient «Q» is equal to (-) 0,56±0,05 mm and (-) 0,57 ±0,054 mm (Ð <0,001), in CG (-) 0,26±0,03 mm; increase in the index (asymmetry) «I-S» – before 2,78±0,18D and 3,22 0,12D (Ð <0,001), in CG –>1,2±0,18D (Ð <0,01); increase in the frequency of refractive power amplification along the vertical and horizontal meridians (SimK1, Sim K2) by 37% and 44%; Normalization of hydrodynamic parameters: «Po» is normal in â 30%; increase «C» – up to 0,22 ìì3/min (Ð<0,05); increase in AAA to 7,6 D±0,23  and 8,5D±0,01 (Ð <0,05)  and 1,5 times – ZOA; increase in LSC in CAC to 15.0±0.64 cm/sec and in CVD – up to 5.5±0,59 cm/sec (Ð <0,05) with choroidal thickening to 301±1,9 ìêì (Ð <0,05). Effectiveness of treatment with orthokeratological lenses: increase in NCOZ to 0.9-1.0 in 100%; reduction of the degree of myopia to (-) 0.55D±0.21 (P <0.01); lack of reliable stretching of the AXL. Conclusion: One of the additional factors contributing to the effectiveness of the use of orthokeratological lenses in mild and moderate myopia are: activation of accommodation, normalization of hydrodynamics and hemodynamics of the eye.

Key words

Myopia, orthokeratological lenses, myopic defocus, accommodation, hydrodynamics and hemodynamics of the eye



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