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Depression, Suicidal Behavior and Somatic Disorders

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2024, pp.71-89 (Reviews)


Bisaliev R. V.
Doctor of Medicine Associate Professor, Chair for General and Clinical Psychology1

1 - Private educational institution of higher education «Moscow international academy», Moscow, Russian Federation

Corresponding author

Rafael V. Bisaliev; e-mail: rafaelbisaliev@gmail.com

Conflict of interests

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The aim of the study is to conduct an analytical review of modern foreign works aimed at studying the phenomena of depression and suicidal behavior associated with somatic diseases. Materials and methods: 50 sources were analyzed. The search was carried out in specialized medical databases, namely: RusMed, Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science, eLibrary.ru, CyberLeninka and the Library of dissertations and abstracts of Russia dslib.net. Materials that dealt with the relationship between depression, suicidal behavior and somatic pathology were analyzed. Results: An attempt has been made to study the phenomena of depression and suicidal behavior in patients with somatic diseases. A significant gap was found in research on depression, suicidal behavior in patients with somatic diseases; the theoretical and methodological basis and principles of comorbidity in connection with depression and suicidal behavior have not been formed; there are no uniform standards for the management of this group of patients, as well as a lack of unified point of view on terminology and methods for diagnosing suicidal behavior in depression-associated somatic diseases, there are still unexplored questions regarding the clinical-psychological, clinical-psychopathological and clinical-dynamic features of depression, suicidal behavior in patients with a somatic profile. Conclusion: Further study of the issues of diagnosis, clinical-psychopathological and clinical-psychological features of depression and suicidal behavior, as well as therapy and evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive programs for the prevention of depressive and suicidal states associated with somatic diseases is required.

Key words

depression, suicide, somatic diseases, prevention



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