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Changes in Macular Pigment Optical Density on the Background of Various Tamponade of the Vitreal Cavity in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Surgery

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2024, pp.1-7 (Research)


Chuprov A. D.
Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Director1

Kalanov M. R.
MD, PhD, Ophthalmologist1

Kim V. L.
Head, Ophthalmology Department, Ophthalmologist1

Firsov A. S.

1 - Orenburg branch of The S. Fyodorov «Eye Microsurgery» Federal State Institution, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Kalanov M.R., e-mail: nauka@ofmntk.ru.


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


Purpose. To determine dynamic changes of macular pigment optical density against the background of vitreal cavity tamponade with gas-air mixture and silicone oil during vitreoretinal intervention for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Material and methods. 82 patients (82 eyes) with proliferative diabetic retinopathy were included in the study. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the first group consisted of 38 patients (38 eyes), who underwent vitrectomy with gas-air tamponade of vitreal cavity (16% hexafluoroethane C2F6, Acreole (ARCAD)), second group – 44 patients (44 eyes) with similar scope of surgery and silicone oil tamponade of vitreal cavity (5700 cSt, Oxane 10ml Syringe (Bausch&Lomb)). Control examinations with determination of macular pigment optical density were performed before treatment, 1, 3 and 6 months after vitreoretinal interventions. The observation period was 6 months. Results. In 1 month after vitreoretinal intervention in the first group of patients there was a significant increase in the optical density of macular pigment in 1.1 times, in the second group – in 1.26 times, respectively (p < 0.01 in comparison with the data before treatment). After 3 months, there was an increase of this index by 1.07 times in the first group, with its decrease by 1.02 times in patients of the 2nd group (p <0.01 compared with data 1 month after surgery). In 6 months after surgical treatment, the average macular pigment optical density increased 1.5 times in first group (p <0.01 compared with data before surgery) and was 1.09 times higher compared with the results obtained in the second study group (p<0.01). This parameter also significantly increased in second group of patients by 1.43 times (p <0.01 to the data before surgery). Conclusion. After vitreoretinal intervention, in all cases there was a significant increase average index of macular pigment optical density, regardless of the used tamponade of the vitreal cavity. However, in the group with gas-air tamponade, this parameter was significantly higher in comparison with the data obtained in the group with silicone oil tamponade, and after its removal.

Key words

macular pigment optical density, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, vitreoretinal intervention, vitreal cavity tamponade, gas-air mixture, silicone oil



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