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Clinical case of lung gangrene and ARDS after SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 1, 2024, pp.53-58 (Clinical Cases)


Alpidovskaya O. V.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for General and Clinical Morphology and Forensic Medicine1

1 - I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russian Federation

Corresponding author

Alpidovskaya Olga Vasilievna; e-mail: olavorobeva@mail.ru


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


COVID-19 is characterized by an unpredictable course, comorbidity, and high mortality in some patients. The article describes a case of the development of viral-bacterial pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 and Fusobacteria, complicated by the development of gangrene of the lower lobe of the right lung with areas of decay. Case description. The patient was admitted for inpatient treatment, brought in by an ambulance team for emergency indications, complaining of pain when coughing, shortness of breath, body temperature increase up to 38.50C. Computed tomography of the chest: signs of viral-bacterial pneumonia. Infiltration in the region of the lower lobe of the right lung with melting lung tissue was determined. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by PCR examination of nasopharyngeal swab. Diagnosis: New coronavirus infection COVID-19, severe course. Complications of the main disease: Bilateral viral-bacterial pneumonia. Gangrenous abscess of the left lung. On the background of the started treatment, a lethal outcome occurred. Autopsy revealed signs of viral-bacterial pneumonia and a decaying cavity with purulent contents, diffuse destructive changes with hemorrhages. Conclusion. The patient died as a result of viral-bacterial pneumonia, complicated by the development of gangrene of the lower lobe of the right lung with areas of decay and abscess formation and acute respiratory failure.

Key words

COVID-19, viral-bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary gangrene, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure



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