Gelman V. Ya.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department for Medical Informatics and Physics1
1 - North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 191015, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Gelman Viktor; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
The article examines the trends in the change of the patient’s role in the treatment process, associated with the development of home telemedicine, as well as the problems arising in this case. The methodological basis of the research was the analysis of scientific publications and generalized practical experience. It has been shown that the development of home telemedicine causes a wider involvement of patients in taking care of their own health and an increase in their role in the treatment process. They are turning from objects of medical services into full subjects of treatment. However, the active participation of patients in the implementation of the methodology of responsible self-care implies increased requirements for the level of their medical literacy. Therefore, special preparation of patients for the use of home telemedicine is necessary. In addition, patients should have access to information that facilitates making responsible decisions in the process of monitoring their condition and the necessary self-treatment.
Key words
patients, home telemedicine, treatment process, responsible self-care, patient education
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