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Cannabis Use and Psychosis – Modern Views on the Problem. Narrative Synthesis

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2021, pp.76-100 (Reviews)


Kolgashkin A. J.
Senior Researcher1
ORCID 0000-0002-5592-4521

Nadezhdin A. V.
MD, PhD, Leading Researcher, Psychiatrist of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department1; Assistant Professor2
ORCID 0000-0003-3368-3170

Tetenova E. J.
MD, PhD, Leading Researcher, Psychiatrist of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department1
ORCID 0000-0002-9390-621X

Vdovin A. S.
MD, Head, Clinical Branch1

Yusupov A. A.
MD, Head, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Sobornikova E. A.
MD, PhD, Psychotherapist1; Assistant Professor2

Alekseyuk V. V.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1
ORCID 0000-0002-6882-6875

Andryushin D. A.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Barsukova A. A.
MD, Psychiatrist, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Deresh S. V.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Zajceva A. V.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Zverkov P. P.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Nadezhdin S. A.
MD, Researcher1

Nenasheva A. S.
MD, Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Sivcov I. G.
Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

Sobolev S. S.
Psychiatrist-Addiction Doctor, Emergency Addiction Treatment Department1

1 - Moscow Research and Practical Centre on Addictions of Moscow Department of Public Health, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Kolgashkin Alexey; e-mail: krambol15@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Cannabis continues to be the most widely used drug worldwide. Recently, there has been two trends in the field: a liberalization of cannabis-related legislation in a number of countries, as well as an increase in the content of the psychoactive component in cannabis plant – tetrahydrocannabinol. The review covers a topic that has been little studied in Russian addiction science – cannabis use and associated psychotic disorders. Research materials: publications in the Pubmed and RSCI databases. Topics addressed include: cannabis use and psychotic disorders; alternative views on the causal relationship between cannabis use and psychotic disorders; gender specifics in the development of psychotic disorders; genetic predisposition to the development of psychotic disorders in cannabis users; problems with cannabis use in adolescence; possible reasons for using cannabis; suicidal behavior of cannabis users; relationship between cannabis and tobacco use; clinical aspects of treating cannabis users with psychotic disorders; promising areas of future studies. In the absence of domestic research on these topics, such a brief review may help addiction doctors to get a general idea of the modern state of the problem.

Key words

cannabis, psychosis, schizophrenia, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, psychotic disorders



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