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Retinal Detachment in Pregnant Patients with Myopia (Diagnostic Examinations, Delivery Methods). Clinical Cases

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2020, pp.85-95 (Clinical Cases)


Popova N. V.

Yablokova N. V.
Department Head1

Goydin A. P.
Vice-Director, Clinical and Expert Work1

1 - S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Tambov branch, Tambov, Russian Federation

Corresponding author

Popova Nataliya; e-mail: naukatmb@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


By the beginning of the reproductive period, myopia accounts for 25-30% of the female population in Russia. For a long time, it has been believed that pregnancy and childbirth can provoke the development of peripheral dystrophies and, as a result, retinal detachment, which is an absolute indication for surgical delivery. However, there is literature evidence about the possibility of natural delivery for patients with retinal detachment. Detection of peripheral dystrophies during examination in pregnant women is an indication for preventive laser treatment. The modern approach to choosing the method of delivery of pregnant women, taking into account the state of the visual organ, based not on the presence of the degree of myopic refraction, but on the retinal status (the presence of PVCRD and retinal detachment), can significantly reduce the frequency of operative delivery for ophthalmological indications.

Key words

myopia, peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy, regmatogenous retinal detachment



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