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Labor Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Due to Insulin Injection Method

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2017, pp.58-63 (Research)


Klimets S. P.
student, medical faculty1

Agliullina T. F.
Clinical resident, Chair of Endocrinology1

Avzaletdinova D. S.
Associate Professor, Chair of Endocrinology1

Stepanova E. M.
Associate Professor, Chair of Endocrinology1

Morugova T. V.
Head, Department of Endocrinology, Professor1

Khusainova L. N.
Head, Therapeutical Department2

Reshetnikova L. R.
Head, Obstetric Department2

1 - Bashkir State Medical University
2 - Clinic of the Bashkir State Medical University


Abstract. The aim of study was to analyze pregnancy outcomes in diabetes mellitus women with respect to insulin injection method (insulin pump or pen). The material of study was 52 case reports of labor in women with diabetes in anamnesis. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was at target level in 88% women using pump during pregnancy and only in 18,5% in women using pen (p<0,0001). Mean term of childbirth in the first group was 39,2±0,6 weeks (full-term pregnancy) vs. 36,4±0,6 weeks in the second group (premature birth), ð<0,001. Newborns of first group had birth weight 3 278±153 grams, while this parameter in the second group was 3 810±157 grams (ð<0,0001). Newborns from the first group were healthy in 92,6% of cases but only 40,8% of second group children were healthy (ð=0,0001). Thus, using pump insulin therapy improves delivery outcomes in women with diabetes compared with insulin pens.

Key words

diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, insulin pump



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