Fabrikantov O. L.
Velichko P. B.
Yablokov M. M.
1 - The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSÀI IRTC «Eye Microsurgery» Tambov branch, Ministry of Public Health, Rasskazovskoe shosse, 1, Tambov,
2 - FSBEI HPE «Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin», Medical Institute, Inretnatsionalnaya str., 33, Tambov
Purpose. To examine macular zone using OCT-angiography followed endovitreal intervention with regard to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Material and methods. The study included 26 patients (36 eyes) divided into two groups: main and control. The main group consisted of 16 patients (16 eyes) operated on for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. All the main group patients underwent endovitreal intervention regarding rhegmatogenous retinal detachment using standard technique 25g. The silicone oil and gas tamponade was performed as the last stage of surgical intervention. The control group included healthy subjects (10 people – 20 eyes) of the same age without any ophthalmopathology. Macular zone was examined using spectral domain optical coherence tomography on RTVue XR Avanti (Optovue, Inc., Fremont, CA). Scanning size was 3x3 mm. Scan protocol AngioVue Angio retina 3.0 was used. All measurements were performed in the foveal area (1 mm in circumference) and parafovea – the region between foveal border and a circumference 3 mm in diameter round the center. Macular zone examination by angio-OCT method according to the above-mentioned protocol was performed in a month followed endovitreal intervention. Results. The most significant indices, which distinguish patients after surgery (main group) from healthy subjects (control group) were found to be data of vascular density of macular microcirculatory channel of the retina in all areas and sectors. Conclusion. The investigation performed showed the importance and high informativity of optical coherence tomography – angiography when assessing macular zone after endovitreal intervention as regards rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Key words
optical coherence tomography – angiography, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, endovitreal intervention, relative density of macular microcirculatory channel, retinal thickness of macular zone
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