Fabrikantov O. L.
The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSÀI IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” Tambov branch, Ministry of Public Health, Rasskazovskoe shosse, 1, Tambov,; FSBEI HPE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin”, Medical Institute, Inretnatsionalnaya str., 33, Tambov
Osmanov R. E.
The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSÀI IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” Tambov branch, Ministry of Public Health, Rasskazovskoe shosse, 1, Tambov,
Functional outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) surgery depend on several factors: the duration of the detachment existence, its area, the presence of macular detachment, the stage of proliferative vitreoretinopathy, the presence of early and late postoperative complications, and degree of ischemia of the ocular posterior segment. Indices of blood flow in macular area after surgical treatment of RRD has not been studied enough.
The article presented the microcirculation indices of retinal macular zone following endovitreal surgery of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment studied by means of OCT-angiography. The study included 20 patients (40 eyes) divided into 2 groups. The main group consisted of 20 eyes with primary RRD with the macular zone affected, where the endovitreal surgery was performed. The control group (20 eyes) included the companion eyes without retinal detachment in the same patients. All patients underwent standard ophthalmic examination and additionally OCT-angiography (RTVue 100, Optovue, USA).
It was noted that the blood flow of the "exterior" retina [2] in the operated eyes was less than in the control group and at the time of discharge from the clinic was 1.214±0.141 mm2. On the other hand, we observed the increase in the foveal avascular zone in the superficial vascular plexus of the retina, amounting, on the average, to 0,497±0,267 mm2. It was also noted that foveal thickness was less in the main group than in the controls one, reaching 219 (196; 251) mkm.
It was revealed that the blood flow area of the "exterior" retina in the operated eyes was lesser than in the control group. We noted the increase in the foveal avascular zone in the superficial vascular plexus of the retina. The thickness of the fovea in the main group was less than in the control one.
Key words
ophthalmology, OCT-angiography, endovitreal surgery, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
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