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Comparative characteristics of urine crystallogenic activity in children with nephrological pathology

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2017, pp.29-37 (Research)


Martusevich A. K.
Doct. Biol. Sci., head of laboratory of biocrystallomics and free radical medicine, Kirov State Medical University; head of laboratory of medical biophysics, Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Center, Nizhny Novgorod

Kozlova L. M.
Nephrologist, Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children Clinical Hospital


Corresponding author Martusevich A.K., E-mail: cryst-mart@yandex.ru


The aim of the study was to clarify the characteristics of crystallogenic activity of the urine in children with dismetabolic nephropathy and urolithiasis. We used method of classic crystalloscopy for the estimation of crystallogenic properties of urine samples from 44 healthy children and children with dismetabolic nephropathy (n=22) and urolithiasis (n=26). It is established that crystallogenic properties of urine of children are transformed significantly and specific under nephrological pathology, including dismetabolic nephropathy and urolithiasis.

Key words

crystallization, urine, children, dismetabolic nephropathy, urolithiasis


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