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The characteristic of patients with drug addiction among the condemned men

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2014, pp.28-37 (Research)


Datiy A.V.
doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department public health and health care1

Kovachev O.V.
the associate professor of psychology of professional activity in criminal and executive system2, candidate of psychological sciences

1 - I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University
2 - Academy of FPS of Russia


In article the social and demographic characteristic of patients with drug addiction of the condemned men is given. Data on distribution of patients with drug addiction of the condemned men on age, relationship status, education, an occupation and a state of health are investigated. The identity of the condemned men is closely connected with their criminal and legal characteristic. Properties and qualities of the men serving sentence which brought them into imprisonment places are investigated. The analysis of category of the crime committed by men, numbers of criminal records, term of the sentence imposed by court, a type of establishment is carried out. It showed where and in what establishment serves sentence condemned as punishment on condemned as his behavior is characterized influences, the relation to work, study, another condemned, what its general characteristic, according to administration. Social communications of patients with drug addiction of the condemned men are studied.

Key words

the condemned, medical correctional facility, drug addiction, the social and demographic characteristic, the criminal and legal characteristic, the criminal and executive characteristic, the social help, relationship status, age, education, state of health, term, number of criminal records, social adaptation


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