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«Syntetic Russia»: Suicide of drug-abusing youth in progress. Problems and prospects

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2014, pp.1-27 (Discussion)


Kaklyugin N. V.
Cand. Med. Sci., psychiatrist-narcologist, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization «Dobroe serdtse. Kuban», Director. e-mail: psihodoctor@narod.ru


The paper examines current trends of the Russian drug market, new ways of pushing drugs into the Russian Federation. Most popular among Russian youth drugs and psychotropic substances are described. Data on the chemical structure of these compounds, their psychotropic action, pharmacological and toxicological effects obtained in the course of decade-long studies are provided. Epidemiological and criminological assessment of their distribution among drug users is given. Prevention mechanisms to cope with the deteriorating situation are proposed, implying creation of optimum conditions for the formation of the youth sustained revitalizing therapeutic communities that can neutralize the tendency to increase the number of individuals with pathological forms of addictive behavior. Final aim is to reduce the psychotropic substances consumption among the Russian Federation population, cut the demand for drugs, and prevent the recruitment into non-traditional religious movements, as well as totalitarian destructive cults.

Key words

synthetic cannabinoids, mephedrone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone, JWH, HU, CP, «spices», «mixes», «bath salts», dependent behavior, chemical dependence, non-chemical dependence, drug addiction, withdrawal, toxic properties, demand reduction, National system of comprehensive rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicted, State Anti-drug Committee, Russian Orthodox Church, spirituality, faith, religion, non-traditional religious movements, totalitarian destructive cults


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