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Journal «MEDICINA» 4/2015

pp. 1-46

Skvortsova V. I.
The current stage of development of biomedicine
pp. 1-7 (Government policy)

Presentation dwells on the progress of biomedicine, the need for rapid application of scientific research results in medical products, the importance of using biomedical achievements in pharmacology. The paramount importance of advances in biomedicine as a factor for infectious and biological security of the country is stressed.

Key words: biomedicine, pharmacology, pharmaceutical manufacturing, drug provision, the strategy of development of medical science, the quality of drugs, drug safety

Danishevskiy K. D.
The ethical basis of evidence-based medicine
pp. 8-16 (Reviews)

The article discusses the features of communitarianism, liberalism and utilitarianism in relation to medicine. It is concluded that exclusively market-based approach to health care organization is unacceptable, and the basis of evidence-based medicine is utilitarianism ethics.

Key words: evidence-based medicine, communitarianism, liberalism, utilitarianism, free market, information asymmetry, ethics

A. V. Saversky
Doctor and patient relationship: an unwritten law, conflicts and paradoxes
pp. 17-25 (Reviews)

The article considers common problems that arise in the course of protection of citizens' rights to health care, formulates the contradictions characterizing the doctor-patient relationship, the issues of communication between the subject and the object of the treatment process.

Key words: medical service, medical ethics, pay medicine, asymmetry of information, professionalism

Results of 2015 medical drugs supply monitoring. All-Russia People's Front survey
pp. 26-29 (Brief communications)

All-Russia People's Front presents results of public opinion survey on present conditions of pharmaceutical market in Russia

Key words: domestic drugs, imported drugs, quality of drugs, drug price, affordable drugs

Komarov J. M.
How Should We Develop Our Healthcare? Part 1. On Convergention of Different Healthcare Systems
pp. 30-40 (Discussion)

In the first part of the article the author considers health systems, currently in use in such countries as France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden and USA. The conclusion is made on the process of convergence of public and private-budget healthcare models, enhancing social orientation of health care organizations. Low efficiency of high-tech medical care, compared with an early stage therapy of diseases is stressed.

Key words: public healthcare, commercial healthcare, medical insurance, high-tech medical care, healthcare costs

Komarov J. M.
On Lifestyle and Health
pp. 41-46 (Discussion)

The article examines the impact on the health of Russian population such risk factors as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It is concluded that the state policy in the field of reducing the impact of adverse factors on the health of the population lacks efficiency. The conclusion is drawn on the necessity of nationwide healthy lifestyles promotion.

Key words: healthy lifestyle, state policy, alcohol consumption, smoking, drug addiction, adverse factors, prevention