1. The paper should fit the profile and level of scientific publications in the journal.
2. Papers for acceptation are sent to the Editors: contact@fsmj.ru
3. Submitted materials will not be returned.
4. Language of publications is Russian.
5. The article should contain the following attributes: title in Russian and English, author's name, place of employment, position, academic title/degree, contact information (e-mail) in English and Russian languages Abstracts and key words in Russian and English languages, the text of the article in Russian, references to the end of the article in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008. «Bibliography link. General requirements and rules.» The sources are listed in alphabetical order, starting with the published in Russian, and then – in foreign. Links to the list of references in the text are given in brackets.
6. The article is presented in a single MS Word file (* .doc; * .rtf). Recommended font: Times New Roman. Point Size 12 pt., Line spacing 1.5.
7. The author is advised to subdivide the body of the article into sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion. Are encouraged to provide information about conflict of interest and author contributions.
8. The tables are made by means of MS Word directly in the text and should be subject headings and references in the text. The numbering of the tables only in Arabic numerals.
9. Drawings, photographs and any other graphical material used in the article are presented each in a separate file (the file name must match the reference to it in the article). Images embedded in the text, must be carried out in JPEG. To all the illustrations provided by the author captions are included in the file with the author's text.
10. Graphic materials are published both in color and in black and white. Figures provided in the viewing quality and should not need further treatment. Numbering of graphic materials (drawings, photographs) only Arabic numerals.
11. Articles are published on acceptance by the Editorial Board. The author can get a reasoned refusal in the publication of the chief editor of an e-mail.
12. The sequence and timing of publications are set by Editors.
13. Responsibility for the content of the articles and the fact of publication is born by the authors of the publication.
14. Artificial intelligence tools cannot be listed as the authors of the article, since they cannot be responsible for the accuracy, reliability and originality of the work.
15. Authors who use artificial intelligence tools when writing a manuscript, creating images or graphic elements of an article, when collecting and analyzing data, should openly indicate in the Materials and Methods section (or in a similar section of the article) how and which artificial intelligence tool they used.
16. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even for those parts of it that were created using artificial intelligence tools, and thus are responsible for any violation of publication ethics.
17. The fact of publication of this article does not imply agreement with the views of the author.
18. Editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the published data.
19. The Editors are not liable to the authors and / or third parties and organizations for any damage caused by the publication of the article.
20. The Editors reserve the right to edit articles with preservation of the author's version of the scientific content.
21. Scientific papers are reviewed by leading experts of relevant scientific and medical institutions of the Russian Federation.
22. The fee for the publication of manuscripts is not charged. Royalties are not paid.
23. The editorial board reserves the right to refuse to publish the materials sent to it without explaining the reasons.